
Monday 11 April 2016

How I braved Anu aunty & co-founded a million dollar company - by Varun Agarwal

If you are in the mood for some light reading, this is the book for you. This is the true story of Varun Agarwal, a youngster from Bangalore who has dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. As you might have guessed from the title, he documents his journey of how he fulfilled this dream of his.

Varun is an engineering graduate who doesn't want to be a part of the corporate rat race. He is not interested in a job and wants to start his own company instead. But, in the Indian society the decision to forego a corporate job to start your own company is frowned upon. So, naturally Varun's mom is worried about him. She can't understand why her son doesn't want a job and bursts into bollywood style tears at the drop of a hat. She asks her friend Anu for help to bring her son back on track.

Thus Anu aunty enters into Varun's life. Anu aunty is a typical character who I am sure every one of us has encountered at some point in our lives. She boasts about her son Arjun's achievements shamelessly at every  given opportunity. According to her, it is a sin to consider doing anything else in life except be a doctor or an engineer. She is ever curious about the goings-on in Varun's life and makes it her agenda to make him see sense and mend his ways. Much to Varun's dismay,she imparts pearls of wisdom to him like:

"Varooon.. no MBA, no future" and  "Varooon.. If you are snoozing you are losing."

Varun's  book is a fun read and he focuses on:

  • The way he goes about setting his startup with his friend, all the while dealing with Anu aunty and his mom. He shares a lot of his experiences and gives out a few pointers to aspiring entrepreneurs throughout the book.
  • His love life aka facebook stalking the girl he likes.
  • The equation he shares with his friends and the time spent with them at various pubs and cool hangout places in Bangalore. He actually names quite a few "happening places" to go to in the city. 
 I found this book a good time-pass read. Varun's writing style is casual. He himself gives a disclaimer at the beginning of the book saying- "I am a storyteller not a writer, so don't expect much." So, you know pretty much what to expect. Varun swears a lot and so do his friends. But, as a person who watches "Game of thrones", who am I to judge ;)

Varun released a music video based on his book. Here's the link. Hope you enjoy..

I will come back to you with the next book. Until then, happy reading guys..

You can find this book on Amazon here:

How I Braved Anu Aunty & Co-Founded a Million Dollar Company

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